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Our Switzerland Team

About Switzerland

Switzerland is renowned for its political stability, the quality of its money management and its banking confidentiality.  It is no accident that one third of the world’s private banking wealth is managed in Switzerland, which has considerable advantages for trust administration.  Swiss-based trustees may administer trusts governed by the laws of other jurisdictions, including the Cayman Islands, Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Bermuda, New Zealand and England and Wales.

While Switzerland is not a tax haven or zero tax jurisdiction, the Swiss authorities allow trusts created by and for non-residents of Switzerland to operate without negative tax consequences.

Switzerland offers an educated, multi-lingual and highly professional workforce that is recognised around the world for precision and efficiency.

Our Swiss business, Summit Trust International SA, was founded in 1999 and joined our group in 2021.



Summit Trust International SA
6 Place des Eaux-Vives
Geneva 1207

+41 (0) 22 707 8399

Cayman Islands



United Arab Emirates

United Kingdom