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Our Guernsey Team

About Guernsey

Guernsey has a long history of providing fiduciary and related legal, tax and accountancy services. It is a leading international financial centre and enjoys an enviable reputation based on the calibre and experience of its people and the provision of high-quality services in a well-regulated jurisdiction.

Guernsey is tax neutral for non-residents. There are no capital taxes in the Island, and with the exception of income from Guernsey property, income arising to a structure set up by a non-resident is outside the Guernsey tax net.

The trust has been known to Guernsey law for hundreds of years. There is reference to a trust in court records over 400 years ago. Guernsey enacted a trust law in 1989 which was updated and expanded in 2007. The law is supported by a wealth of decided cases and in 2008 Guernsey company law was consolidated and modernised.  Also in 2008 the Guernsey online Companies Registry was launched, enabling companies to be formed routinely in 24 hours or in as little as 15 minutes.

Our Guernsey business, Summit Trust Guernsey Limited, was established under the name of Aquitaine in 2008 and is the founding member of our group.



Summit Trust Guernsey Limited
Level 5 Mill Court
La Charroterie
St Peter Port


+ 44 (0) 1481 729944

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